Global Gas & LNG Service

Rapidan’s Global Gas & LNG Service is at the forefront of the global gas and LNG market, blending a deep understanding of the burgeoning North America gas sector – and its growing interconnectedness with international markets – with unparalleled policy and geopolitical analysis. 

Our comprehensive approach combines detailed tracking of projects and markets with astute assessment of supply vulnerabilities and policies impacting demand. Elevate your strategic vision with Rapidan’s Global Gas & LNG Service as your trusted ally in navigating the intricate dynamics of global gas.

Global Gas & LNG
Service Offerings

  • Real-time and weekly written reports conveying actionable views on global gas & LNG markets, policy, and geopolitical trends and developments

  • North America Natural Gas Market Outlook 

  • North America Midstream Outlook

  • North America LNG Outlook

  • Global Natural Gas Market Outlook 

  • Webinar Briefings

  • Weekly Calendar

  • Global LNG Datasets

How Rapidan’s Global Gas & LNG Service Delivers Value

Our primary focus is delivering exceptional value to our clients in the dynamic global gas and LNG market. We offer strategic insights that integrate a thorough understanding of North America's gas sector with key policy and investment drivers worldwide.

Value clients get from GGS:

  • Comprehensive coverage: combines North America gas, global gas and LNG in a single product for a holistic view of the market.

  • Timely insights: Provides high-frequency updates to keep clients informed and responsive to market developments in real time.

  • Integrated: Leverages market, policy and geopolitical expertise to provide differentiated views and insights.